Licensing of Nursing Facilities (216-RICR-40-10-1)

216-RICR-40-10-1 ACTIVE RULE

There are proposed changes for this rule. View Details
My Page Title


1.2Incorporated Materials


1.4Certificate of Need Requirements

1.5General Requirements for Licensure

1.6Application for License or for Changes in Owner, Operator, or Lessee

1.7Issuance and Renewal of License

1.8Capacity and Classifications

1.9Change of Ownership, Operation and/or Location


1.11Denial, Suspension, Revocation of License or Curtailment of Activities & Sanctions


1.13Organization and Management


1.15Reporting of Resident Abuse or Neglect, Accidents & Death

1.16Resident Care Services

1.17Special Care Units

1.18Environmental and Maintenance Services

1.19Physical Plant

1.20Confidentiality – Variance and Appeal Procedure

1.21Exception and Severability

1.22Licensing Procedures, Definitions, and Conditions for Resident-Directed Homes

Title 216 Department of Health
Chapter 40 Professional Licensing and Facility Regulation
Subchapter 10 Facilities Regulation
Part 1 Licensing of Nursing Facilities (216-RICR-40-10-1)
Type of Filing Amendment
Regulation Status Active
Effective 03/07/2024

Regulation Authority:

R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-17-10
R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-17.5-32
R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-17.5-33

Purpose and Reason:

The intent of the proposed amendments is to clarify the following provisions established in statute:

1. The owner of a nursing facility is the person who holds title to the real property;

2. The operator of a nursing facility is the person that is responsible for the operation of the facility and answering to its governing body, which is ultimately responsible for compliance with the regulations and the health and safety of the nursing facility’s residents;

3. Historically, the owner of a nursing facility was its operator; in recent years, ownership has often been separated from operation;

4. Managers, contracted by the operator of a nursing facility, should only assist the operator of the nursing facility;

5. A lessee usually operates a nursing facility under a lease from the owner or operator;

6. A lessee can be the operator of a nursing facility;

7. Equity interests must be maintained for the life of the license;

8. A nursing facility license is usually held by the operator.